Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Hot Coals Scale

I often describe my foodie escapades in the terms of how many hot coals would I be willing to walk over to go back to this restaurant. So I've decided that will be my version of the Michelin star or the AA rosette. There's not a lot of science behind it, it's just a gut feeling kind of thing.

5= I dream about this place when I sleep and fantasize about it when I'm awake. I make up occasions to go here.
4= This is a pretty decent place and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it
3= If I'm in the neighborhood and I'm really hungry I would probably stop here
2= I'd go again if I'm having a blood sugar crash and this is the only thing between me and hallucinations
1= No way, no how, nothing could ever entice me to eat here again

Of Diamonds, Love & Greasy Spoons

I'm a foodie. What does that mean? Well, it's kinda like me saying that I don't know art, but I know what I like. I'm not a trained chef, but I've lived, traveled, and eaten all over the world. Seeking out and enjoying good food is my passion. I'd rather have a fantastic meal for my anniversary than pointless diamonds. I'm the person in your office that you text to find out where to go to get good food when you're out of town. I'm the friend you always check with before you set up the big date or pick your parents up at the airport.

Just because I say I'm a foodie doesn't mean that I'm a food snob. I don't need lobster and caviar, I'm a sucker for a good greasy spoon or family run diner and comfort food is called that for a reason. I don't discriminate between family run and a pretty decent chain. Good is good.

What do I look for in a place to eat? Well, sometimes that's kind of difficult to nail down. It sort of depends on what I'm doing when the need to eat strikes me. Greasy spoons and haute cuisine will be judged by different standards. If I have to pay more I will be a lot more picky. As it says in the Bible, to whom much is given, much is expected. It's not just food that goes into a great dining experience, attitude goes a long way to making the world a better place. Great staff makes me a happy person and happy has always positively effected my taste buds. Conversely, lazy or rude can make the best cooked meal taste sour.

I'm a normal working person with a job or two and not a lot of time, so food reviews will happen when I have time. And while I don't have a problem with someone buying me dinner in their favorite place, I will always be honest and call 'em like I see 'em. I've gone to a lot of places recommended by people I know and have been sorely disappointed. I've discovered that “good” is a highly subjective descriptor. But I'm actually a pretty nice person and I don't have a lot of time, if I don't like it but it's not truly horrific, I may not waste my time writing it up. It depends, “bad” is on a need to know basis. If it's heinous, you need to know. On the other hand, if it's fantastic, pretty darn good or really trying hard to please its patrons chances are that I'll put it up so others can enjoy it too.